Monday, January 19, 2009

Pandora's Box

Recently, I've played a lot of Rock Band. And even more recently: Rock Band 2. As an owner of Guitar Hero (1 of 2 console games I own), I was fairly adept at the guitar. But my drumming skills? Well, they left much to desire.

Until recently. Mind you, syncopated bass drum beats are a struggle. And my left hand has some special moments, but overall, I've improved a hundred fold.

And my character? Well, she's pretty much the Bees Knees. Pandora is her name. She used to be simply attired in a black T-shirt and jeans, but last night I discovered the Rock Shop (or whatever it's called). A "Long Live the Queen" jacket and awesome boots later, and Pandora actually looks like a rock star.

All this is to say that that's pretty much what I've been up to recently. I don't actually own the game, which adds to the fun because when I do play, I play at someone else's house and rocking out with a group of friends is way better than being a lone rocker.

Seeing as I'm not all that skilled on the guitar and at best challenged on a real drum kit, Rock Band is going to have to appease that always-wanted-to-be-a-rockstar side of me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Once upon a time...

There was once a girl who was not nearly busy enough at work, so she thought and she thought and she came up with a fabulous plan. Start a blog. Now, she technically already had a blog, but that went by the wayside long ago. After serving its purpose of informing her family and friends at home of her well-being while she was off on grand adventures, it no longer seemed all that intriguing.

This girl has a philosophy of life and wishes to share it with all. This philosophy is not too philosophical, because philosophy is hardly her cup of tea, but it is very important. So important, in fact, that it is capable of changing one's life. However, one must be warned that some will fight this philosophy. This, it is believed, is mainly due to fear. Fear of the unconventional, fear of making a fool of oneself, fear of thinking differently. Fear of the very thing the philosophy rests on.

The ridiculous.

You've read correctly. Embracing the ridiculous, this is the philosophy. Simple. Fun. Feared.

This requires something that much of society has repressed for ages and scorned in individuals. It requires creativity, ingenuity, being the first to laugh at ourselves, and a complete lack of fear of those who try to fit everyone into a box.

So I give you this - Embracing the Ridiculous.