Monday, January 19, 2009

Pandora's Box

Recently, I've played a lot of Rock Band. And even more recently: Rock Band 2. As an owner of Guitar Hero (1 of 2 console games I own), I was fairly adept at the guitar. But my drumming skills? Well, they left much to desire.

Until recently. Mind you, syncopated bass drum beats are a struggle. And my left hand has some special moments, but overall, I've improved a hundred fold.

And my character? Well, she's pretty much the Bees Knees. Pandora is her name. She used to be simply attired in a black T-shirt and jeans, but last night I discovered the Rock Shop (or whatever it's called). A "Long Live the Queen" jacket and awesome boots later, and Pandora actually looks like a rock star.

All this is to say that that's pretty much what I've been up to recently. I don't actually own the game, which adds to the fun because when I do play, I play at someone else's house and rocking out with a group of friends is way better than being a lone rocker.

Seeing as I'm not all that skilled on the guitar and at best challenged on a real drum kit, Rock Band is going to have to appease that always-wanted-to-be-a-rockstar side of me.

1 comment:

  1. dear pandora, how could you even begin to think that your dear friends would ever let you be a lone rocker? and i agree, your left hand certianly does have some special moments:)

    longing to rock out again,
