Monday, February 9, 2009

"I cannot speak well enough to be unintelligible"

Jane Austen said that. I somewhat disagree. Recently, I've acquired a couple more of her books. One being Mansfield Park. I've been reading for a little over 15 years now, and this was one of the harder books I've read. It has an incredible amount of dialogue, which enabled me to see that if I were to time-travel ever (which i don't really count on doing), traveling to early 19th century England would be extremely foolish for me. I would end up offending everyone I came into contact with. No joke. I would say something that I thought was completely innocent and be shunned by society because of it. I just know it!

That, and I would be entirely confused for most of the day, wondering what the heck everyone was talking about! They claim to be speaking English, but man! It's some seriously complex English.

Oh, and I got to one of the last chapters, and it started with "Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery" which is, if you haven't noticed, on my header. It's a rare occasion that I quote something from a book I've actually read. Yay I also have the habit of quoting movies I've never seen.

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