Thursday, March 19, 2009

Numeo tres - Cream cheese and chopsticks

There are many things in life in which I am quite competent. I can play ping pong, ice skate, roller blade, ski, paint my toe nails, fix a variety of toilet issues, caulk, and make a mean batch of funfetti cupcakes. But no matter how hard I try, my chopstick using ability is lacking....terribly.

T (K's husband), decided last night while playing a delightful game involving tiny plastic trains and a game board that I needed to try sushi. The thought of eating raw fish never really whet my appetite, and raw fish wrapped in white rice even less so. But i agreed, because T's pretty cool and peer pressure's a dangerous thing.

We sat down at the restaurant, and I realized that I had never actually been to a Japanese restaurant, for my palate normally prefers foods such as American, Italian, Mexican, and chocolate. I'm just not an exotic taste kind of girl. So I ordered chicken because I figured it would be pretty safe (which it was, and quite delicious once I figured out how to eat it with chopstick - there was more jabbing involved than the average Japanese person would most likely approve).

T ordered the Philadelphia and California rolls. First I tried the Philadelphia. It has cream cheese in it, and I'm a pretty big fan of cream cheese. Well, it was alright, though I think I'll stick with my cream cheese on simpler things like bagels. Then I tried the California. I admit, I may have almost lost it on that bite. The taste was fine. The texture...not so much. But a big gulp of Coke and I was good as gold.

Then went back to my chicken. Yum

oh, and I still have the heebie jeebies from walking through the foliage earlier today.

And tomorrow I'll try to take pictures. There were a lot of "oh man! I forgot the camera again!" moments today.

1 comment:

  1. dont forget you're very competent at skeet shooting!
